Friday, February 13, 2015

02/13/15 | Love is not abuse.

I have debated back and forth for a few weeks now about sharing this on here,but I strongly believe that everyone has a voice. No matter how big or small the influence may be,I believe that I need to speak out.

I am sure that if you watch the news at all,you have heard about the movie 50 Shades of Grey. The movie is set to release tomorrow,and although I have never read the book,nor plan to watch the film I have a very big problem with it.

I have always been taught and strongly believed that an abusive and disrespectful relationship is unhealthy,sad,destructive,and dangerous. Being the victim of physical,mental,or emotional abuse has never been something that I consider to be amusing,exciting,or romantic. Unfortunately,this is the rep that the movie/book 50 Shades of Grey is getting. Contrary to the way the media has spun the upcoming release,there has been a lot of controversy over the film and it's content. The fighters of domestic violence have launched a proposal to donate $50 dollars to a domestic violence shelter INSTEAD of going to see 50 Shades of Grey. There are a number of Christian and secular websites that are protesting this film. Even the feminist website Jezebel slammed the movie,calling it,"50 Shades of Abuse."

The scary thing to me about this movie is the fact that Hollywood is glamorizing a dysfunctional and sexually abusive relationship. They are taking porn and spinning it as romance. I have read several articles boycotting this movie,and from what I have read,the movie should just be labeled as pornography. If you think that is over reacting,consider the fact that the director of the film himself admitted that out of the whole 90 minute film 20 solid minutes of it is sexual scenes.

Despite the critics,I am sure that this movie will bring in mega bucks at the theatre. It has already been released in some areas and the news showed tons of women coming out of the movie saying it was great. One woman even claimed,"I want more!" I'm sorry,but we definitely do NOT need more of this junk!

Think about it. How is a movie about a young,vulnerable woman and a sex-crazed,abusive man in a sexually abusive relationship a good thing to go watch? How is that a healthy thing for the minds of our young men and women? How is this film Christ honoring or praiseworthy? It's not.

I wish I could convince every girl of her great value. It doesn't matter where you come from,or what your past may be,you. are. valuable! The world is glorifying this image of a weak woman,who is trapped in a relationship where she is tortured by a man who cares nothing about her as a person.
When I think of love,I think of respect and honor. I think of being treasured by someone. When I think about love,I don't see it as being any of the things that Hollywood is portraying. If someone loves you,they are going to love you as a person. They are going to care about you and your wants and needs. They are going to put you before themselves.

So before you go buy a movie ticket,think about what this movie is supporting. I think that it is a film worth MISSING.


  1. Fantastic post, Emily! I love how wrote this from the heart. This speaks so much truth, and yes, it is a film worth missing. <3

  2. Great points, Emily. I pledge to make a donation to a domestic violence shelter and hopefully together we can break records that get mentioned in the press.
