Friday, September 5, 2014

09/05/14 | Rambling

   I am in a restless mood today,and I feel like rambling about some recent happenings. Currently,I have been eating too much,and not exercising enough. I get these itches to bake,and I have,in fact,in the past two days,managed to bake a batch of peanut butter cookies,and two pans of Raisin Bran muffins. The danger is,I bake them,so I have to eat them! And while I should be living up to my goal of running three times a week,instead I have been watching the re-runs of The Cosby Show. Sigh*

    I am being a second shooter at a wedding tomorrow,and I am ever so slightly…totally freaking out! I am really excited to get my first 'real' wedding experience. I guess my main fear is a camera malfunction,or being dissatisfied with my work.  Worse case scenario stuff,ya know? Haha. It will be fun though!

     I have recently submitted three different photos to some magazines!! I have this incredible passion for nature photography. Seeing my photos printed would be such a fulfillment to my soul. The thing I find with nature photography is,where people may fail me,nature never does. I laid out on my porch the other night,trying to photograph the stars. It was beautiful. Just me and the stars. I had to lay down,with my camera on my tummy,trying to keep it completely still. My exposure was set on the slowest setting,and I literally could not even breathe. It was so refreshing though,to simply lose myself  in that sky. For about 20 minutes,there was no world,no people,no anything but me and those stars. And the moon! My obsession with the moon is fantastic. I honestly think that she is one of God's most thrilling and beautiful creations! I have shot some photos of that beautiful lady,and I can't wait to share them!

    Well,I have rambled on enough for one night,and I don't know if anything I said links up or makes any sense. I just know that I have hit a caffeine low,and want another muffin.


1 comment:

  1. Some of that sounds like me. I am trying to shed my "baby" weight, but with baking things I have to eat them. Especially because there are only two of us and Josh doesn't really care fore baked things. Then I am supposed to be doing exercises but instead I have been watching "Road to Avonlea".

    That is so cool! What Magazines???

