The purpose of this award is to get bloggers to connect and share the love,I guess you could say!
-Each person must post 11 things about themselves,by answering the questions that the nominator has set for you
-Create 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer
-Choose 11 bloggers,with less than 200 followers,and link them in your post.
-Go to their blog and leave them a comment to let them know!
-No tag backs
My answers:
"Why did you decide to start a blog?"
"I was inspired by the blogging world,and I wanted to become a part of it. Plus I wanted a place to share my thoughts,feelings,and beliefs."
"What did you want to do when you grew up?"
"I kicked around a LOT of ideas! I wanted to be a nurse,which I have no idea why! I go weak at the sight of blood or needles! I would say what I wanted to be for the bigger part of my childhood and high school years was a social services worker. For lots of reasons,but mostly because I wanted to help kids. God changed my plans,but if He hadn't,that would be it!"
"Do you have a favorite place to travel to?"
"I love the mountains and the beach. I can't choose between the two!"
"What is the first memory that comes to mind when you think of ice cream?"
"Hmmm….The first and only time I had ice cream from a real ICE CREAM TRUCK!"
"What movie would you or do you watch over and over again?"
"The Hobbit. Best. Movie. Ever. "
"What is your favorite comfort food?"
"Food in general is my comfort." ;P
"If you had to be a story book character,who would you be and why?"
"I would be Emily from Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery. She follows her dreams,and stays true to herself."
"How would you describe your ideal morning?"
"Waking up at 8:00 am,having a cup of coffee on the front porch,and having bacon and eggs for breakfast."
"What is your favorite beverage and what conditions are most ideal for drinking it?"
"Ummm…,coffee,coffee….anytime,any place,anywhere!"
"What is your favorite quote or Bible verse? and why?"
"Psalms 91:2 is my favorite Bible verse,because it gives me assurance that God is all I need to survive. He is my refuge and fortress. I am trusting in Him."
"Do you have a favorite artist or music that inspires you to be productive?"
"I listen to the amazing Chris Thile or Sierra Hull play and it inspires me to go pick up my guitar! I don't really know if music inspires me to be productive,but it does help me when I am working."
I tag:
I think I am going to have to cheat,and only tag four!
My questions:
1. If you could change your name,what would you change it to?
2. What do you do when you need to clear your head?
3. What book is the most meaningful to you,and why?
4. Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world?
5. What about blogging keeps you motivated?
6. Apple or Android? Which do you prefer?
7. If you had to choose a favorite musician,who would it be?
8. Country life or city life?
9. What book character do you relate to the most?
10. What motivates you to get out of bed and get going?
11. Would you rather have dessert or entree?
Thanks for the nom! I will be doing this soon!